TuDiabetes Talks Episode 5 – #MasterLab 2016 Recap



This week on TuDiabetes Talks we reflect on the diabetes advocacy event called #MasterLab that took place this year on July 6, 2016. Find out more about the event at: DiabetesAdvocates.org/MasterLab2016

TuDiabetes Talks about #MasterLab 2016 5pm PT, 8pm ET


Join us HERE at the time and date of the event

MasterLab 2016 took place on July 6th in Orlando, Florida. We had a packed house. There were over 115 advocates from more than 28 states and 8 countries.

Join in this community discussion and reflection of the day with guests Heather Gabel, Sue Hopf Rericha, Chris Clement and Mike Lawson. Let’s pack the Google Hangout House!

Find out more about this event, and download the activity workbook at: DiabetesAdvocates.org/MasterLab2016

Episode 30: Find (Y)Our Voice

We revisit the keynote from MasterLab 2015 in this episode. Based on 25+ years of professional and personal experience, Tom Boyer shares his perspective on how to find our individual and collective voice as diabetes patient advocates.

MasterLab 2016 is scheduled for Wednesday, July 6th in Orlando, FL. To find out more about  the conference and available diabetes patient advocate scholarships visit: http://diabetesadvocates.org/masterlab-2016/. 


Everybody Talks Diabetes Podcast Corinna Cornejo

Episode 11: Completing Our Mission

This week Mike and Corinna talk about “Completing Our Mission” and play a talk Emily Coles, Head of Communities at Diabetes Hands Foundation gave at #MasterLab last July.

Emily was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age 3 and has a background in public health and holds degrees in Biology and Epidemiology. She is committed to outreach and actively fundraises for causes related to AIDS, women’s health, and diabetes, having recently ridden her bike from San Francisco to Los Angeles in the AIDS Lifecycle ride to raise money and awareness for HIV/AIDS.

#MasterLab is a day of advocacy held in conjunction with CWD’s Friend For Life conference in Orlando, Florida every summer. If you’re interested in joining us next summer visit: http://www.diabetesadvocates.org/MasterLab

Everybody Talks Diabetes Podcast Mike Lawson Corinna Cornejo

Episode 1: Advocacy

This is the first episode of Everybody Talks: A Diabetes Hands Foundation Podcast. Each week we publish a conversation between Mike Lawson who lives with type 1 diabetes and Corinna Cornejo who lives with type 2 diabetes. The topics revolve around things that are important to people touched by diabetes and include interviews from our archive from experts in these fields.

Subscribe in iTunes, Stitcher Smart Radio, or come back to this page to find new episodes.

Everybody Talks Diabetes Podcast Mike Lawson Corinna Cornejo