Your questions, answered!! #YesSalud Live interview with Lorena Drago and Marina Chaparro

Throughout the month of November the #YesSalud campaign has encouraged people to ask their diabetes-related questions on via twitter or facebook using #YesSalud. We have been collecting these questions, and this live-streamed event will focus on discussing and answering them!! Join us on December 3rd to learn what others have asked and how our experts, Lorena and Marina answer your questions.

Holiday chat series: Hanukkah!!

3:30pm PT, 6:30pm ET, 10:30pm GMT What time is this where you are? This event will occur in our main chat room on the TuDiabetes home page.  It is NOT a live-streamed event. December is a month of many holidays!  On TuDiabetes we'd like to set aside some time to meet up in our chat […]

Holiday chat series: Winter Solstice!

1pm PT, 4pm ET, 9pm GMT What time is this where you are? December is a month of many holidays!  On TuDiabetes we'd like to set aside some time to meet up in our chat room to wish each other well on the various holidays we celebrate and discuss how we celebrate, what we eat, […]

Holiday chat series: Christmas!

3pm PT, 5pm ET, 11pm GMT What time is this where you are? December is a month of many holidays!  On TuDiabetes we'd like to set aside some time to meet up in our chat room to wish each other well on the various holidays we celebrate and discuss how we celebrate, what we eat, […]

Live interview: “Keeping New Year’s Resolutions” with Dr. Jody Stanislaw

Only 8% of people actually achieve their New Year's Resolutions. Yikes! Learn how to be in that 8%! Tune into this interview with Dr. Jody Stanislaw and you will learn her proven B.E. A.W.E.S.O.M.E. formula for creating healthy habits in your life that stick in the long run, leaving you happier and healthier!

CGM wrist watch??? Gary Scheiner explains and reviews

11am PT, 2pm ET, 7pm GMT What time is this where you are? The past several years have brought about a variety of new ways to see, track and share blood glucose data, including several CGM wrist watch options.  Are you confused about them?  So are we!!  In this interview, D-guru Gary Scheiner will explain, […]

Using a Holistic Approach to Normalize Blood Sugar and Reverse Diabetes Complications

1pm PT, 4pm ET, 8pm GMT What time is this where you are? Dr. Geoff DePaula has been a Doctor of Acupuncture and a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine for over 15 years.  He is also the Founder & CEO of IM Health ( a virtual integrative medicine diabetes and pre diabetes reduction telemedicine program. […]

Meet Gene Kunde, new CEO of Diabetes Hands Foundation

1pm PT, 4pm ET, 8pm GMT What time is this where you are? Gene Kunde joined Diabetes Hands Foundation (parent of TuDiabetes) as CEO in December of 2015, after an extensive search by our Board of Directors, and we are thrilled to have him!!  Already, Gene is making a strong showing at the helm of this important organization, […]

ViaCyte and “The Human Trial”: curing type 1 diabetes

1pm PT, 4pm ET, 8pm GMT What time is this where you are? ViaCyte, Inc. ViaCyte is a privately-held regenerative medicine company focused on developing a novel cell replacement therapy for the treatment of diabetes.  ViaCyte is conducting a Phase 1/2 clinical trial of the Company's lead VC-01 product candidate in patients with type […]

Dr. Sean Vasaitis presents D.A.I.L.Y.

This new resource developed by the Endocrine Society and Hormone Health Network, called D.A.I.L.Y., or Diabetes Awareness Information for Loved Ones and You, was created by endocrinologists and diabetes experts to help people with Type 2 diabetes take control of their condition.