Navigating Adolescence and Puberty: How to maintain your sanity with a teen faced with diabetes and hormones! MasterChat on TuDiabetes Talks Live 8pm ET 5pm PT

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It’s that time of the year again: Master Chats! The Master Chat Series is an annual collaboration between TuDiabetes and Columbia University’s Master of Science in Diabetes Education and Management program. This master’s program is offered to clinicians who are currently in or interested in the diabetes field.

As part of a course requirement, students present ‘Master Chats’ on a variety of diabetes related health topics. They will be featured this October and November on TuDiabetes Talks

All of the topics this year have been generated based on TuDiabetes community member feedback!


Asha Brown Talks Diabetes and Eating Disorders, Diabulimia and Recovery. 5pm PT, 8pm ET

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Asha Brown, Founder & Executive Director

Asha was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when she was 5 years old. Throughout her childhood, diabetes was simply a way of life because her father had type 1 most of his life as well. She didn’t mind being a little different than her friends and never had a problem explaining type 1 diabetes to anyone who had questions. In fact, diabetes never created an obstacle in Asha’s life until she was old enough to understand that her weight and body size were not completely under her own control. As a dancer, actress and a fitness instructor by the time she was 17, Asha lived for movement and her body’s ability to feel good in its own skin. After reading many articles and books that gave a daunting account of weight gain associated with insulin resistance and diabetes, Asha felt the first stirring of resentment towards a disease she felt was dooming her to an inability to have the physical strength and shape that she knew she deserved and could achieve. And so she started to omit insulin occasionally when it was “necessary” to get things done.

The obsession with maintaining a healthy size and weight while coping with multiple autoimmune disorders (hypothyroidism, polycystic ovary syndrome, as well as type 1 diabetes) became a full-time job for Asha during high school and college. The lack of support for type 1 diabetics was also disheartening as most of the information discussed in the media dealt with type 2 diabetes. Asha began to omit insulin for the purpose of weight control. She also started to rely on the numbing effect of ommission to drown out the daily anxieties that people with chronic illness often battle against. She felt it was a cruel joke to have such a passion for dance and performing and to have to constantly “take it easy” due to her low blood sugars, or worry that she would have one when she was on stage. Skipping her insulin shots, or taking less than required to cover a meal, became second nature to her, and for years she struggled with the cycles of omitting insulin, binging, restricting and swearing never to do it again.

Asha wrestled, off and on, with symptoms of diabulimia beginning in her sophomore year of high school, but it began to truly take over her life in her freshman year of college. By then, it dramatically affected every single choice she made in her life, her relationships and her daily routines. The effort to keep her eating disorder a secret became all-encompassing. It wasn’t until she met the love of her life and was married that she began to consider the idea of seeking treatment for her eating disorder. For years, Asha continued to tell herself that she would stop her dangerous secretive behaviors once she was at her perfect weight. The problem with that, of course, is that there’s no such thing as a perfect weight or a perfect body — and, therefore, no end in sight. Asha soon realized she had no idea how to live without her eating disorder. And she knew she could never be the wife and life partner to her wonderful husband or truly follow her dreams of performing until she let go of her destructive behaviors.

Asha took her first step towards living fully in her life again when she had an initial assessment made at the Park Nicollet Melrose Center in 2009. She was strongly encouraged to check into the inpatient treatment program that very day due to the severity and danger of her out-of-control diabetes. And with that, she surrendered. She went through a year of treatment, starting with two weeks of inpatient care and then moving to weekly outpatient appointments, and finally monthly. Along with the wonderful support she received from the staff at the Melrose Center, she realized how supportive her family and friends could be once she finally shared her difficulties with them. Her life began to churn once again with passion, discovery and joy.

Asha’s life today is new and very different after finally coming to terms with her disorder. She is no longer imprisoned by the numbers on the scale or the fear of food. After receiving treatment, she returned to teaching yoga, a passion she had enjoyed years ago before her diabulimia took top priority. She performs often in theaters in the Minneapolis area, and delights in exploring and cooking new recipes and foods. She lives very happily with her beloved husband who has been her grounding source of support and continues to give her the courage to fight the odds associated with her type 1 diabetes, her recovery, and reminds her of so many reasons to never give up.

Asha works with families, patients, and health professionals across the USA. She uses her personal experiences with ED-DMT1 to offer hope and support to those still struggling. She also establishes relationships with eating disorder facilities and diabetes organizations across the county to help connect people to appropriate care. Asha has presented at NEDA, AADE, and JDRF, among others. She writes for Diabetes Health, Diabetes Daily, Glu, Insulin Nation, dlife, DiabetesMine, and other websites. She was a member of the ADA Woman and Diabetes Subcommittee and is a member of Diabetes Advocates and BEDA.

The “D” word! Are you “Diabetic” or are you a “Person With Diabetes”? 5pm PT!

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What are your thoughts on the word “DIABETIC” to describe people living with diabetes? Join us this Wednesday at 8pm Eastern/5pm Pacific (the hour leading into #DSMA) for a community conversation about the word “diabetic.” All opinions are welcome. To join us, head over to

Depression, Anxiety and Anger Management with Bernard Golden, PhD Live! 5pm PT

Overcoming Destructive Anger and Diabetes

Bernard Golden, PhD. 

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A diagnosis of chronic illness often triggers anger, as do the many challenges that face us in managing our conditions. People with diabetes are often especially prone to experiencing anger, because of fluctuating blood glucose levels that can contribute to mood swings and make them vulnerable. Anger can harm our relationships, and human connection is critical for our health and well-being. Cultivating “healthy anger” involves learning to pause and reflect on what we’re experiencing, rather than react to them. “Healthy anger” has been shown to enhance our resilience and overall well-being. And it empowers us, because it fuels assertive (rather than aggressive) communication, which improves our success at achieving our goals and satisfying our wants and needs.



Anger is an emotion provoked when we perceive threat, and it originates in the part of the “old brain” (limbic cortex) that generates the fight-or-flight response. How each of us reacts to our anger, depends upon the habits of mind we’ve developed throughout our lives. But good news lies in the brain’s neuroplasticity; we can strengthen our prefrontal cortex, our “rational brains,” to overwrite established neural pathways and form new patterns of behavior. Drawing on neuroscience, psychology (cognitive behavior therapy) and Eastern philosophy (mindfulness, meditation, and practices in compassion and self-compassion), Dr. Bernard Golden has developed a breakthrough method to unite mind and body in the critical achievement of “healthy anger” and self-control.



Dr. Golden’s innovative framework for cultivating “healthy anger” includes:

  • Exercises in mindfulness, visualization, and reflection without judgment to make us aware of our physical & emotional triggers and help us cultivate our compassionate selves
  •  His “anger log” for charting the internal experiences that precipitate anger: our needs, desires, expectations, and negative feelings
  • Practical steps for how to:
    • Overcome a critical mind
    • Override emotional reactivity
    • Diffuse another person’s anger during a conflict
    • Let go of expectations
    • Let go of power
    • Forgive (ourselves and others)
    • Show self-compassion and empathy for others
    • Communicate assertively (rather than aggress

Mike Lawson and Mariana Gomez Talk Live about the American Association of Diabetes Educators Conference 2016. TuDiabetes Talks! 5pm PT


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So what’s all the buzz about this wonderful Annual American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) conference each year? We are going to spend the hour sharing what #AADE is, who attends AADE, the mission and vision, what the big shares and take aways were for 2016 and of course…how Diabetes Hands Foundation is involved and some of the great community partners and friends we made!

Join as live Wednesday August 17th! 5pm PT

TuDiabetes Talks @ Forum How To’s with the Admin team! 5pm PT, 8pm ET


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Join us for this sure to be informative conversation with the admin team as the help us navigate through and learn some in’s and out’s of the site. We will also learn how to update our member profiles to better help serve and inform our community and the larger diabetes online community.

Looking forward to chatting with Marie, David, Brian and Gary. Along with Lorraine, they have been a guiding light and the A team for TuDiabetes longer than it takes a stubborn blood sugar to budge!

TuDiabetes Talks about #MasterLab 2016 5pm PT, 8pm ET


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MasterLab 2016 took place on July 6th in Orlando, Florida. We had a packed house. There were over 115 advocates from more than 28 states and 8 countries.

Join in this community discussion and reflection of the day with guests Heather Gabel, Sue Hopf Rericha, Chris Clement and Mike Lawson. Let’s pack the Google Hangout House!

Find out more about this event, and download the activity workbook at:

TuDiabetes Talks with Diabetes Artist Justus Harris 5pm PT

Justus HarrisJustus Harris, is an international exhibiting artist and technologist whose work is informed by his experiences living with type 1 diabetes. He uses art and technology in new ways to educate and inspire people to understand diabetes and the body. His 3D printed Diabetes Data Sculptures have been featured at the DiabetesMine D-Data Exchange conference at Stanford School of Medicine,, The Compound Gallery in Oakland, CA, and most recently at the CHI 2016 (human-computer interaction conference) in San Jose, CA.

He recently started a new blog,, dedicated to highlighting art, multidisciplinary work, and people from many backgrounds who creatively explore diabetes. He works with and artists, scientists, doctors, among many others in line with the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) movement in education.

He is based between Chicago and the West Coast and is an alumni and portfolio evaluator for The School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

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TuDiabetes Talks Live Chat! Cycling 205.5 miles with Diabetes! 8pm ET, 5pm PT


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Hi!  My name is Anthony Hightower.  I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at age 13 and have spent my adult life seeking to raise awareness, educate, and support research efforts.

As an avid cyclist, I co-founded a team called “Duck Fiabetes” and have leveraged this passion to raise over $60,000 to the American Diabetes Association’s Tour de Cure.  I was recently a camp counselor at Camp Hodia, a camp for diabetic youth, where I was camp counselor to 12 teenage boys.

I was born and raised in Northern California. I own and operate an industrial Shrink wrap business.  In my free time I love talking about Diabetes hanging out with family, friends, and my fur babies (Chelsie and Brady).

TuDiabetes Talks Live with Retinopathy Specialist 8pm ET, 5pm PT Join us!


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Arshad Khanani, M.D. Sierra Eye Associates

Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Nevada School of Medicine

Arshad Khanani, M.D. is a fellowship trained vitreoretinal specialist and is certified by The American Board of Ophthalmology. He graduated magna cum laude in chemistry from Washington University in St. Louis with a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree. While at Washington University, Dr. Khanani was honored with The Howard Hughes Medical Institute Research Award.

Dr. Khanani then returned home to Texas and obtained his medical degree at Texas Tech School of Medicine where he received several prestigious research awards. After finishing his internship at Baylor College of Medicine, Dr. Khanani completed his residency in Ophthalmology at Texas Tech School of Medicine. During his residency, he was unanimously elected as Chief Resident.

Dr. Khanani attended The University of Texas – Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas for a two-year fellowship in the medical and surgical treatment of vitreoretinal diseases.

Due to his strong interest in clinical research, Dr. Khanani has served as a principal investigator for several clinical trials. His articles have been published in numerous ophthalmology journals. Dr. Khanani has also presented his work at major ophthalmology meetings worldwide and has been invited multiple times as a guest speaker nationally and internationally.

Dr. Khanani has received numerous awards of distinction including The Patients’ Choice Award and The Compassionate Doctor Recognition Award. He has also been consistently named one of America’s Top Ophthalmologists and has also been included in an edition of The Leading Physicians of the World publication