TuDiabetes Live Interview with Bennet Dunlap: D-Advocacy and the FDA


In early January 2014, the US Food and Drug Administration came out with new draft guidance for blood glucose meter performance and their accompanying meters. An FDA guidance document, when finalized, is a summary of the FDA’s current thinking on what information the FDA will look for when deciding whether to give clearance to a manufacturer for its meters and strips. Bennet Dunlap has been advocating passionately for tighter controls on glucose meter accuracy through the website StripSafely.com, and has become a guru of advocacy at the FDA.

Join us to learn from the master himself how we, as people with diabetes, can advocate for our own health and safety with the US organization that regulates the medications and technologies we need to live. It’s important! Come get involved.

Category: Nonprofits & Activism
Uploaded by: Diabetes Hands Foundation
Hosted: youtube