Episode 21: #dPodcastWeek

In this episode Corinna Cornejo speaks with Mike Hoskins about the upcoming #dPodcastWeek. Mike is the associate editor of Diabetes Mine and lives with Type 1. He’s written about the resurgence of podcasting in the DOC

Conceived by Stacey Simms, #dPodcastWeek will take place during the week of February 1, 2016. Diabetes podcasters will team up and spread the word about the Spare a Rose, Save a Child campaign. Spare a Rose asks people to buy one less rose for Valentine’s Day and make a donation to the International Diabetes Federation’s Life for a Child program which provides insulin and supplies to children living with diabetes in the developing world.

If you are a diabetes podcaster who would like to participate in #dPodcastWeek send a message to DPodcastWeek@gmail.com. The deadline is Tuesday, January 12, 2016.

If you are a listener wanting to find out which diabetes podcasts are participating, keep an eye on #DPodcastWeek and look for announcements at Stacey Simms’ blog.

Everybody Talks Diabetes Podcast Corinna Cornejo


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