Eating Out With Diabetes – Live interview with Hope Warshaw, MMSC, RD, CDE

Hope is a dietitian and certified diabetes educator. She’s been involved with diabetes care and management for over 35 years. Hope’s been a constant champion for and supporter of the Diabetes Online Community as it’s come into existence and grown up. During 2015 she’s serving as the President-elect of American Association of Diabetes Educators. This interview with Hope will focus on how people with diabetes can eat healthier restaurant meals and count grams of carbohydrate more precisely. Hope has been writing and speaking about this topic for more than two decades. We’ll focus on her new book, Eat Out, Eat Well – The Guide to Eating Healthy at Any Restaurant, published by the American Diabetes Association. Hope will also discuss how you can download the book’s companion app, Eat Out Well—Restaurant Nutrition Finder from the American Diabetes Association which will be available at the iTunes App Store and Google Play. You’ll be able to search the nutrition information for hundreds of independent and chain restaurants based on your GPS location. Plus the app will allow you to save your favorite dishes.

Learn more about Hope Warshaw and the books she’s written for ADA at

TuDiabetes Live interview with Eliot LeBow, Psychotherapist working with PWD

Eliot LeBow LCSW, CDE has lived with type 1 diabetes since 1977 and is a specialist in Diabetes-Focused Psychotherapy. He has a thriving psychotherapy practice in New York City and online via Skype Session’s. LeBow, treats the many diverse cognitive, behavioral, and emotional needs of people living with, Type I and Type II Diabetes.

As a presenter, Mr. LeBow has presented on the emotional issues facing people with diabetes for multiple diabetes organizations including The Joslin Research Center, JDRF, ADA and the AADE at their annual conferences. In his free time, he founded and presently runs DiabeticTalks, a large online platform designed to help people living with diabetes.

Diabetes-Focused Psychotherapy takes a holistic approach combining traditional talk therapy with diabetes education and management help. It addresses both the physical and emotional aspects of living life with diabetes while still addressing other non-diabetes related life problems to create a unique holistic approach to help people with diabetes thrive.

“My goal is to help people manage the physical and emotional aspects of living with diabetes. My passion lies in helping people with diabetes live a capable, powerful life—with less suffering, and filled with all the joy of the human experience.”

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Sam Finta, “AfrezzaUser” Talks About Inhalable Insulin

Published on May 7, 2015

Sam Finta, aka AfrezzaUser, spent years being as careful as possible and feeling like “giving up” on his diabetes. Severe depression and anxiety inspired him to seek better means of diabetes treatment, and he was fortunate to obtain one of the last openings in MannKind’s Afrezza drug trial in Atlanta through Dr. Bruce Bode of the Atlanta Diabetes Center.

Immediately and from day one, Sam’s felt his life was changed for the better. Since then, he has done his best through social media (Yahoo message Boards, blogspots and others) to provide honest, genuine and truthful information about his experience with Afrezza. He credits it with saving his life and giving him hope as he wait with countless other people with diabetes to have a near “normal” life again. This is what started Sam’s desire to reach other people with diabetes with his firsthand knowledge of Afrezza.

Other Types of Diabetes

Information on this page represents a sample of the content available on TuDiabetes, curated by members of the community and sponsored by Diabetes Hands Foundation. This is not an exhaustive list of the resources offered here, but may be viewed as a good place to begin your search.


Other common types of diabetes are: LADA (Late Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults), Gestational Diabetes, MODY, etc.

General Information
A good place to start getting familiar with other types of diabetes.

Forum Discussions
Relevant discussions in the forum about other types of diabetes.


Helpful Groups
Related to other types of diabetes

Relevant videos about other types of diabetes.


Other Resources

Other Types Of Diabetes

Information on this page represents a sample of the content available on TuDiabetes, curated by members of the community and sponsored by Diabetes Hands Foundation. This is not an exhaustive list of the resources offered here, but may be viewed as a good place to begin your search.


Other common types of diabetes are: LADA (Late Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults), Gestational Diabetes, MODY, etc.

General Information
A good place to start getting familiar with other types of diabetes.

Forum Discussions
Relevant discussions in the forum about other types of diabetes.


Helpful Groups
Related to other types of diabetes

Relevant videos about other types of diabetes.


Other Resources

What is TuDiabetes?

squareFrom The Founder, Manny Hernandez: I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes in late 2002. Since then, life was never the same until I started wearing a pump in the summer of 2005. The pump restored a lot of the freedom I had already gotten used to being without by giving me more control and flexibility and allowing me to accomplish blood glucose control like I hadn’t seen since before I was diagnosed.

In 2006, I was made aware of an Insulin Pumpers group in Orlando (where I used to live at the time) and I started to attend their meetings. The first meeting was such a changing experience for me, that it helped me realize the power of a community when it comes down to a condition like Diabetes. I learned in an hour more than I had learned in a year of pumping and what I picked up from those pump veterans, I still use today to accomplish even greater control.

Towards the end of 2006, a thought started brewing in my head: the idea of making Social Networks work for things beyond making friends and socializing. I wondered how I could put Social Networking to the service of a higher cause. An article in the New York Times gave me the spark I needed: I had it in front of me the entire time, yet I hadn’t put 2 and 2 together until that “Aha!” moment. I had to get a Social Network for people with diabetes going.

Since then, I set out to identify the best technology to do the job and in March 2007 I eventually landed on, which is the platform that now hosts®. Today,® is an Online Community where the members help each other out, educate ourselves and share the steps we take every day to stay healthy while living with this very serious condition. As of the day of this post, we are approaching 400 members and growing. One of the members (dLife columnist Scott Johnson) has said about the community: “It’s like ‘MySpace’ on insulin…”. In®, we write blog posts, exchange ideas in discussion forums, share photos of ourselves and our loved ones and videos that we find useful and informative.

wiyhIt is my hope that people who have all types of diabetes, newly diagnosed and veterans alike, moms with gestational diabetes as well as parents of children with diabetes, no matter the ethnicity or nationality, come on board and engage in a fruitful exchange using all the media that the social network technology puts at our disposal.

And in case you are wondering about the name in Spanish, my wife thought of it and it made sense to me right away. First, because I am Hispanic, but also because it’s a bit of a wordplay: Tu as in “Your” but also Tu, with a sound similar to “Too” (you too have diabetes) because we are ALL affected by it directly or indirectly.

In March 2008, we founded the Diabetes Hands Foundation to serve as an umbrella for and, along with the diabetes awareness programs that we run.

Nutrition and Recipes

Information on this page represents a sample of the content available on TuDiabetes, curated by members of the community and sponsored by Diabetes Hands Foundation. This is not an exhaustive list of the resources offered here, but may be viewed as a good place to begin your search.

General information about Nutrition and Recipes


Forum Discussions
Relevant discussions about nutrition and recipes.


Helpful Groups
Related to nutrition and recipes

Relevant videos about nutrition and recipes.

Other Resorces

Resources for people with diabetes




Live interview with Jeff Dachis founder of One Drop

11am PT, 2pm ET, 6pm GMT

What time is this where you are?

Join us HERE at the time and date of the event.

Jeff is the CEO and Founder of OneDrop, a simple, powerful and convenient mobile platform for managing diabetes, born from his own experience as a newly diagnosed Type 1 LADA (September 2013). His desire to bring the quantified self movement, internet of things, big data and mobile computing to people with diabetes in a simple, fully integrated solution led him to create One Drop – which won “Best Design” at the LAUNCH 2015 Festival.

A digital visionary and serial entrepreneur, Jeff previously co-founded and served as CEO and chairman of Razorfish, the the world’s largest digital marketing solutions firm. Jeff was also CEO and founder of Dachis Group, a big-data social analytics and consulting firm, acquired by Sprinklr in 2014.

Jeff has a MA from NYU, and a double Liberal Arts degree from SUNY Purchase.

One Drop is the only consumer diabetes management platform available for people with Type 1, Type 2, pre-diabetes, or diabetes caregivers that enables users to simply and easily log the core behavioral and biometric components of diabetes (Glucose, Food, Insulin, and Physical Activity) in one place, and anonymously share that information with a community of likeminded people, delivering actionable data driven insights to everyone on the platform. One Drop is available for free download in the Apple iOS App Store.

