Using a Holistic Approach to Normalize Blood Sugar and Reverse Diabetes Complications


Dr. Geoff DePaula has been a Doctor of Acupuncture and a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine for over 15 years. He is also the Founder & CEO of IM Health ( a virtual integrative medicine diabetes and pre diabetes reduction telemedicine program. Dr.DePaula has synergized some of the most powerful, evidence-based complimentary and alternative medicine approaches into a unique & powerful program, that allows participants achieve normal blood sugars. IM Health has been tracking savings from this approach for employers, and allows companies to save thousands of dollars for each diabetic participant in 12 months. His philosophy of “get the patient the BEST care, and everything else falls into place”, comes from years of evaluating the cost-effectiveness of the US healthcare system and how to create a sustainable healthcare system that works for everyone.

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