TuDiabetes Live Interview with Jeff Hitchcock and Kerri Sparling, Spare a Rose Save a Child Campaign


For children around the world with type 1 diabetes, lack of access to insulin is the most common cause of death. And in some areas of the world, most children with diabetes can expect to live less than a year past their diagnosis date – if they’re diagnosed at all.

This Valentine’s day, our community can help change that.

Spare a Rose, Save a Child is simple: buy one less rose this Valentine’s Day and share the value of that flower with a child with diabetes in the developing world. Your loved one at home still receives flowers and you both give help to a child with diabetes who desperately needs it.

A rose is about 5 bucks, for that one rose, IDF can give a child one month of life. A dozen roses, a year of life for a child with diabetes.

We’re hopeful that you will embrace this cause this year.

Here’s what you can do to help

Kerri Sparling has been living with type 1 diabetes for over 27 years, diagnosed in 1986. She manages her diabetes and lives her life by the mantra “Diabetes doesn’t define me, but it helps explain me.”

Kerri is a passionate advocate for all-things diabetes. She is the creator and author of Six Until Me, one of the first and most widely-read diabetes patient blogs, reaching a global audience of patients, caregivers, and industry. Well-versed in social media and its influence on patients, Kerri presents regularly at conferences and works full-time as a writer and consultant. Her first book, Balancing Diabetes (Spry Publishing), is scheduled for release in Spring 2014.

Jeff Hitchcock is the president and founder of Children with Diabetes, Inc. (CWD). CWD hosts one of the largest diabetes-related web sites in the world at www.childrenwithdiabetes.com. The site receives over 20,000 visitors per day from countries around the world. CWD also hosts educational and support conferences throughout the year, including its national Friends for Life conference held each year in Orlando, Florida.

Category: Nonprofits & Activism
Uploaded by: Diabetes Hands Foundation
Hosted: youtube

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