TuDiabetes Live interview with Brian Mowll, CDE, SweetLife Diabetes Health Centers


Dr. Brian Mowll is the founder and medical director of SweetLife® Diabetes Health Centers and serves clients worldwide as The Diabetes CoachTM. He is a certified diabetes educator (CDE) and was one of the first doctors to be certified to practice functional medicine by the prestigious Institute for Functional Medicine.

Since 1998, Dr. Mowll has been helping people with all forms of diabetes properly manage their complex health conditions. Additionally, with type 2 diabetes, pre-diabetes, and metabolic syndrome, his goal is to not just manage, but to reverse these conditions using a natural, personalized lifestyle approach.

Dr. Mowll has spent over 20 years studying and applying clinical nutrition, physical activity, lifestyle management, functional medicine, and diabetes self-management education. He is the host of the popular “Diabetes World Summit”, as well as a prolific writer, blogger, and speaker.

In addition, he has written hundreds of articles about diabetes and natural health, and has been a featured speaker and contributor on diabetes. Dr. Mowll treats clients locally in the greater Philadelphia area and nationally through his acclaimed Diabetes CoachTM program.

Category: Nonprofits & Activism
Uploaded by: Diabetes Hands Foundation
Hosted: youtube

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