Blogger Series: Stephen Shaul of in conversation with Rick Phillips

Stephen has been living with Type 1 diabetes since 1991. Since April 2012, he has been writer of the diabetes blog, and since then, has covered a number of diabetes-related subjects. In November 2013 Stephen began awarding medals to people living with diabetes who achieve their athletic goals. In November 2014, he spoke before the U.S. Food and Drug Administration during a public workshop on interoperability between diabetes devices. Most recently, he started the diabetes podcast Diabetes By The Numbers, speaking with diabetes newsmakers of the day. He is a part time moderator of the popular weekly DSMA Twitter chats, and encourages others by staying true to the phrase “I support you… no conditions”.

Stephen lives in Baltimore with his wife Maureen, their dog Boomer, and Max the Cat.

Join Stephen Shaul in conversation with fellow blogger ( and PWD, Rick Phillips, for this next installment in our blogger series!

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