Diabetes UnConference in Las Vegas

Register at http://diabetesunconference.com/register/


What’s it all about…

If you are a person with diabetes or love someone with diabetes, you live with this disease 8,760 hours each year.

How many hours are spent with a medical team talking about diabetes? One hour? Two hours?

Those precious hours talking with medical professionals are usually not spent asking about how to deal with the perceived social stigma, disclosing diabetes to your colleagues or dates, intimacy issues, fears about complications, or dealing with everyday life. Most appointments talk about the numbers (lab results, blood glucose results, medication changes) and you’re left to muddle through on your own.

You may get support elsewhere: the Diabetes Online Community and all the wonderful resources found online, local support groups, but there has never been a multi-day conference where you can talk about anything and everything related to your life with diabetes.

No keynotes. No multiple tracks where you have to make a choice between sessions. Just your peers – those who live with diabetes every day like you – talking about the things that matters most to you that you can’t talk about with your medical team or those who aren’t impacted by diabetes.

We create the agenda. We decide what’s important. All of us participate. All of us learn. All of us become confidantes and compatriots.

That’s why The Diabetes UnConference was created.

Learn more at diabetesunconference.com


TuDiabetes Live interview with Christel Marchand Aprigliano, creator of The Diabetes Unconference


We’ll talk with Christel Marchand Aprigliano, founder of The Diabetes UnConference, which will be held at the Flamingo Las Vegas from March 13-15, 2015.
The Diabetes UnConference follows the “unconference” concept of peer-to-peer idea exchange made popular by the tech community. The actual agenda is set the first morning of the conference, drawing from the needs and desires of the attendees and discussions will focus on the psychosocial aspects of living with diabetes.
An “unconference” allows participants to create and moderate the agenda, allowing for a wide variety of topics and viewpoints that might never be covered in a traditional conference. Using various sharing methods that focus on drawing out responses from all attendees, those in the room learn from each other in a peer to peer environment.
This conference welcomes all adults with diabetes.Those with diabetes, regardless of type (Type 1, Type 2, LADA) all have thoughts and feelings about living well with diabetes. All of us have fears about complications. All of us have ideas about how to live well with diabetes. All of us want to feel good about ourselves and stay healthy. None of our pancreases work like they should. Diabetes is diabetes. We can all learn from each other.
Register to attend The Diabetes UnConference!

Diagnosed at twelve with Type 1 diabetes, Christel works with other prominent advocates to heighten public awareness and create meaningful positive changes in the diabetes community. She devotes her efforts to many diabetes advocacy avenues, including: Strip Safely, a grassroots advocacy program for blood glucose meter accuracy; The Diabetes Collective, Inc., which produces The DiabetesUnConference; and Diabetes Advocates, a program of the Diabetes Hands Foundation. You can find her thoughts on life with diabetes as a lifestyle columnist at dlife.com, as a contributor at A Sweet Life, and on her personal blog, www.theperfectd.com.

Category: Nonprofits & Activism
Uploaded by: Diabetes Hands Foundation
Hosted: youtube