TuDiabetes Live interview with Sherita Golden, MD "Mental Health and Diabetes"


Dr. Sherita Hill Golden is the Hugh P. McCormick Family Professor of Medicine in the Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. She also holds joint appointments in the Welch Center for Prevention, Epidemiology, and Clinical Research and in the Department of Epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Dr. Golden’s current research focuses on studying the neuroendocrine response to chronic psychological stress as a risk factor for diabetes and cardiovascular disease. She has authored and co-authored over 100 original articles and book chapters in the areas of diabetes and cardiovascular disease epidemiology. She is a former Robert Wood Johnson Minority Medical Faculty Career Development Award recipient and her current research is funded through the National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. She is the director of the Johns Hopkins Inpatient Diabetes Management Service and serves as Chairperson of the Glucose Steering Committee for Johns Hopkins Hospital.

Category: Nonprofits & Activism
Uploaded by: Diabetes Hands Foundation
Hosted: youtube

TuDiabetes Make Your Own ‘Betes!!! Workshop


NOTE:  we had a technical glitch during this event, from minute 3:56 to 5:26.  Please fast forward past that piece!

Imagine you could see your diabetes- what would it look like?

Imagine your diabetes could speak- what would it say?
What would you say to it/him/her?
What would its personality be like?

The Betes Organization will host a Make Your Own Betes Workshop for anyone who is interested to create a puppet-character of their diabetes.

The event will be video-streamed live into the TuDiabetes home page, guided by Marina Tsaplina, founder of The Betes Org and member of the TuDiabetes community!

Category: Nonprofits & Activism
Uploaded by: Diabetes Hands Foundation
Hosted: youtube

TuDiabetes Live interview with Dr. Korey Hood: "Diabetes and Sex, for Men"

Korey K. Hood, PhD works closely with people with diabetes in clinical, research, and advocacy settings. For this particular discussion entitled “Diabetes and Sex, for Men,” it helps that Dr. Hood is a guy and happens to have type 1 diabetes. Dr. Hood’s academic position is at Stanford University School of Medicine where he is a Professor and Staff Psychologist. At Stanford, he directs NIH- and foundation-funded research projects and provides clinical care aimed at promoting health and quality of life outcomes. Much of this work focuses on building positive coping and problem-solving skills to prevent diabetes distress and depression, and increasing the uptake of diabetes technologies and social media. He is the chair of the American Diabetes Association’s Behavioral Medicine and Psychology Interest Group, helps direct programming for JDRF and Children With Diabetes events, and stays active in the diabetes online community.

Category: Nonprofits & Activism
Uploaded by: Diabetes Hands Foundation
Hosted: youtube

TuDiabetes Live Interview with Marina Tsaplina, clown and puppeteer with diabetes


Marina is the founder and catalyst of The Betes. She has lived with type 1 diabetes since she was 2 years old. When she was little she wanted to be an artist, a dancer, a teacher and a diabetes doctor. The Betes is her doing precisely that, with a twist: directing the power of theater in service to one of the greatest health crises of our time.

Category: Nonprofits & Activism
Uploaded by: Diabetes Hands Foundation
Hosted: youtube

TuDiabetes Live Interview Ginger Vieira: Dealing with Diabetes Burnout


Dealing with Diabetes Burnout: How to Recharge and Get Back on Track When You Feel Frustrated and Overwhelmed Living with Diabetes is an inspiring and empowering guide to managing the daily work and pressure of diabetes management – guilt and shame for imperfect habits, stressful daily decisions around food, the constant pricking of your fingers, technology frustrations, teaching friends and family how to be supportive, and more – that can lead to burnout. Vieira provides the tools and encouragement needed to help readers get back on track and make diabetes management a rewarding priority. Chapters directly address burnout in relation to: food, exercise, insulin dosing, blood sugar checking, fear of low blood sugar, being a caregiver/spouse of a person with diabetes, communicating more effectively with your doctor, taking a healthy “vacation” from diabetes, and creating realistic expectations and goals.

Author of Your Diabetes Science Experiment and Emotional Eating with Diabetes, Ginger Vieira has lived with Type 1 diabetes and Celiac disease since 1999. Today, she is an avid freelance writer and motivational speaker with a background as a certified cognitive coach, personal trainer, and Ashtanga yoga instructor specializing in coaching people with diabetes. She creates diabetes video blogs at her YouTube Channel and produces regular freelance content for various diabetes websites including DiabetesDaily.com and ASweetLife.org. In 2009 and 2010, Ginger set 15 records in drug-tested powerlifting with her best lifts including a 308 lb deadlift, 190 lb. bench press, and a 265 lb. squat. Today, she lives in Vermont with three dogs and her fella.

Category: Nonprofits & Activism
Uploaded by: Diabetes Hands Foundation
Hosted: youtube

TuDiabetes Live interview with Dr. William Polonsky

Dr. Polonsky is CEO and Founder of the Behavioral Diabetes Institute, the world’s first organization wholly dedicated to studying and addressing the unmet psychological needs of people with diabetes. He is also Associate Clinical Professor in Psychiatry at the University of California San Diego. Dr. Polonsky received his PhD in clinical psychology from Yale University and has served as Senior Psychologist at the Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston, faculty member at Harvard Medical School and Chairman of the National Certification Board for Diabetes Educators.

A licensed clinical psychologist and certified diabetes educator, he has served on the editorial boards of Diabetes Care, Diabetes Forecast, Clinical Diabetes, Diabetes Self-
Management and Diabetes Health. In addition to his many diabetes-related professional publications, he is authored several books for the lay audience (e.g., Diabetes Burnout: What to Do When You Can’t Take it Anymore) and co-edited several others for health care professionals (e.g., A CORE Curriculum for Diabetes Education).

Category: Nonprofits & Activism
Uploaded by: Diabetes Hands Foundation
Hosted: youtube

TuDiabetes Chat with Joe Solowiejczyk RN, MSW, CDE


Joe Solowiejczyk is a healthcare professional who has lived with Type 1 diabetes for 52 years. He is President and founder of A Mile in My Shoes, a company that publishes books & produces videos on patient self-management and psychological coping as well as providing counseling and training to patients, families and health care professionals.

Having worked in the filed of diabetes for over 35 years, Joe’s work focuses on translating his personal & professional experiences into unique patient care programs. As a nurse, diabetes educator and family therapist, he specializes in assessing how family dynamics impact the management of diabetes and designs interventions that result in more effective coping and optimal metabolic control.

Joe works extensively with both patients and professionals on the Family-Approach to Diabetes Management. He works with pediatric patients and their families in hospital clinics and private physicians’ offices, and conducts workshops nationally and abroad for parents to help them cope with their child’s diagnosis and daily challenge of living with diabetes. He designs educational and counseling programs for both children and adults with diabetes, as well as seminars for health care professionals on integrating family therapy into clinical practice.

Joe’s new e-book “A Type 1 Diabetes Guide to the Universe” comes online in April, 2014!

A Type 1 Diabetes Guide to the Universe is a new and unique e-book diabetes management manual by Joe Solowiejczyk RN MSW CDE which integrates the psychological and family dynamics aspects of coping & living with diabetes into the core of medically managing it on a daily basis. The emphasis here is on helping you and your family learn how to manage diabetes as independently as possible!

Category: Nonprofits & Activism
Uploaded by: Diabetes Hands Foundation
Hosted: youtube

TuDiabetes Live Interview with Dr. Alan Jacobson "Diabetes and Depression"


Alan M. Jacobson received his M.D. from the University of Chicago Medical School. He has been on the faculty of Harvard Medical School since 1973, and is now Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry. He started the Joslin Diabetes Center’s Behavioral Research and Clinical Mental Health Programs and later became Chief Medical Officer of the Joslin Clinic- a multi-specialty group practice.

In 2009 Dr Jacobson moved to Winthrop University Hospital, where he became Chief Research Officer and Director of its new Research Institute and Center for Diabetes Research. As CRO, he is charged with integrating research with Winthrop’s clinical and educational missions, centralizing research activities, developing effective strategies to maximize external funding and building research throughout the hospital. In this capacity, he will oversee the establishment of a strong diabetes-oriented research program.

He has served as the Principal Investigator for the Joslin Diabetes Center’s Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT)/ Epidemiology of Diabetes Control and Complications (EDIC) site and directs the behavioral science component of the DCCT/EDIC study. He has published over 150 papers and articles on topics related to his research and clinical activities. He has been funded continuously for the last 30 years by a series of grants from the National Institutes of Health, and is currently funded by three NIH grants.
Description of Research Interests/Activities
Dr. Jacobson’s investigations focus on the psychological aspects of diabetes. His studies have examined the impact of diabetes on the structure, chemistry and function of the central nervous system; the quality of life of patients and their families; the effects of psychological and social factors on the course and outcomes of diabetes; and the development of psychological and medical interventions to improve outcomes of diabetes.
He is currently studying:
• The long-term effects of type 1 diabetes on cognitive functioning and health-related quality of life as part of the long term follow-up of the DCCT cohort.
• The impart of T1DM on urologic complications
• The acute and chronic effects of T1DM and hyperglycemic and glutamate using MRI
• The impact of T2DM in humans on functional connectivity of the brain’s default network as a possible early biomarker for Alzheimer’s Disease
• Effects of insulin resistance on brain functioning and structure

Category: Nonprofits & Activism
Uploaded by: Diabetes Hands Foundation
Hosted: youtube

TuDiabetes Live Interview with Moira McCarthy, author of Raising Teens with Diabetes


Moira McCarthy is an acclaimed writer, author, and public speaker who has shared her story—and lessons—on raising a child with type 1 diabetes in the media, through books and on her popular blog, www.despitediabetes.com. With over 15 years of experience raising a child with diabetes, McCarthy offers a frank, empowering perspective from a mother who has successfully weathered the teenage years and made it to the other side with a healthy, outstanding young adult.
McCarthy has appeared on CNN Live, Good Morning America, Fox News, and in The New York Times. She was recently recognized as the JDRF International Volunteer of
the Year. Her six books include the top-selling Everything Parents Guide to Juvenile Diabetes.

About Moira’s newest book, Raising Teens with Diabetes
Hormones. Growth spurts. Mood swings. All combined with blood sugars.
The teen years with diabetes on board are a challenging time for parents and anyone who cares about a child with diabetes. Raising Teens with Diabetes: A Survival Guide for Parents, by well-known diabetes mom, author, and advocate Moira McCarthy, is a no-nonsense, honest approach at not just surviving but thriving in those years, from a mom who has been there. Raising Teens with Diabetes is a must-have resource for anyone navigating the waters of parenting a child with diabetes.

Also by Moira McCarthy
The Everything Parent’s Guide To Children With Juvenile Diabetes
The Everything Guide to Cooking for Children with Diabetes
The Everything Guide to Raising Adolescent Girls

Category: Nonprofits & Activism
Uploaded by: Diabetes Hands Foundation
Hosted: youtube