T2 Series: Ansley Dalbo presents “Diabetes What to Know”

Two years ago, Ansley and her husband began developing a website where newly diagnosed type 2 patients and their families could learn the basics about diabetes through an easy-to-use video-based email program-- www.DiabetesWhatToKnow.com.

Live interview with Gary Scheiner, CDE, founder of Integrated Diabetes Services

Join us on TuDiabetes for a live presentation and question-and-answer session with 
Gary Scheiner, founder of 
Integrated Diabetes Services and author of 
Think Like a Pancreas, 
The Ultimate Guide to Accurate Carb Counting, and now Until there is a Cure: the Latest and Greatest in Diabetes Self-Care.

Master Chat Series: Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Diabetes Management

This talk will focus on managing diabetes-related complications through complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). CAM for diabetes management includes dietary supplements, herbs, acupuncture, hypnosis, yoga and meditation. Sumi will discuss the therapies that have been shown to be effective, as well as those that appear to be ineffective or harmful.

Master Chat Series: Traveling with diabetes

W\In this Master Chat Dana will discuss what documentation to carry while traveling, how to store medications, what to do if you run out of medications, and precautions when purchasing medications in other countries.

Master Chat Series: Diabetes Burnout and How Your Healthcare Team Can Help

This talk will examine factors that contribute to diabetes burnout, including what role the healthcare team may play in perpetuating diabetes burnout, and what strategies can be implemented to address burnout by the patient, and in what ways the healthcare team can facilitate managing burnout in patients with diabetes.

Type 2 Series: Exercise and Type 2 Diabetes with Joanne Duncan-Carnesciali

This live-streamed interview will focus on Exercise and Type 2 Diabetes, specifically the following:

1. The importance of having a health screening before engaging in exercise
2. Importance of understanding one's risk(s)
3. Avoiding a hypoglycemic event
4. Acute and chronic adaptations to exercise
5. Exercise recommendations
6. HbA1c - What exactly is it?

Type 2 Series: Hypoglycemia and Type 2 Diabetes, presented by Zoe Heineman

1:00pm PT, 3:00pm CT, 4:00pm ET, 9pm GMT What time is this where you are? Zoe Heineman is the founder of "Ha!" or "Hypoglycemia Awareness".  Based in New York City, Ha! trains first responders to respond appropriately when they encounter someone having an episode of hypoglycemia anywhere.  Police officers, flight attendants, co-workers, security guards, life […]

T2 Series: Susan Guzman, “Rebranding Diabetes”

Susan Guzman, PhD is a clinical psychologist specializing in diabetes. Her clinical and research focus areas include overcoming emotional challenges that interfere with management, family issues, and promoting attitudes that support living well with diabetes, from diagnosis throughout life. Dr. Guzman integrates empathy, acceptance and practical guidance to help people better utilize their strengths in living life with diabetes.