TuDiabetes Talks: Spare A Rose, Save A Child – Episode 30

Mike & Mila are back! This time they talk about the awesome program SPARE A ROSE, SAVE A CHILD. Each February people from all over the world donate to the SpareARose.org website. On TuDiabetes Talks this week, Mike and Mila talk about the reasons they donate and let people know how easy it is to contribute. After watching the interview, head over to: SpareARose.org to make a donation!

TuDiabetes Talks: Mike & Mila! Episode 29


This week Mike Lawson and Mila Ferrer introduce a few new changes to the TuDiabetes Talks episodes.

Check out the archive of TuDiabetes Talks Episodes at: TuDiabetes.org/talks.

If you speak Spanish, check out the video/podcast interviews by searching “Hablemos Diabetes” or head over to EsTuDiabetes.org

TuDiabetes Talks: Mike & Mila! Episode 29

This week Mike Lawson and Mila Ferrer introduce a few new changes to the TuDiabetes Talks episodes.

Check out the archive of TuDiabetes Talks Episodes at: TuDiabetes.org/talks.

If you speak Spanish, check out the video/podcast interviews by searching “Hablemos Diabetes” or head over to EsTuDiabetes.org

TuDiabetes Talks: DiabetesSisters! – Episode 28

This week Cynthia chats with Anna Norton and Karen Graffeo about an interesting study they are working on for women with diabetes. Listen to the full interview, then check it out at: https://diabetes-sisters-voices.org/home

TuDiabetes Talks RapidSOS, Emergency Calls and Diabetes

This week we were lucky to have Michael Martin from RapidSOS join us to talk about the really cool app that will help people in emergency situations communicate with the dispatch operators. To download the app and use it for FREE for an entire year, go to: rapidsos.com/diabeteshandsfoundation

We also chat with Mariana Gómez and Mandy Jones from the Diabetes Hands Foundation to hear what they’ve been up to lately and get their stories about 911 emergency calls.

TuDiabetes Taks: TheFitBlog.com with Christel Oerum

Just in time for your New Year’s Resolutions, Christel Oerum joins Cynthia this week to talk about a free fitness challenge designed to help people living with diabetes.

Cynthia and Christel also chat about recipes and some of the other cool features on TheFitBlog.com

Aprendamos a leer las etiquetas.

Entrevista con la Lic. Nut. EDC Vanessa Ubaldo sobre lectura de etiquetas junto con la Federación Mexicana de Diabetes.

Tips de alimentación para las fiestas decembrinas


Entrevista con la Federación Mexicana de Diabetes, A.C. sobre consejos para continuar con nuestro cuidado nutrimental durante las fiestas decembrinas.

Lic. Nut. E.D.C José David Aguayo Cardona, coordinador web de la Federación Mexicana de Diabetes, A.C.

Recursos invitados
Sofía Garcia Esquivel, licenciada en nutrición y Educadora en Diabetes
Facebook: csnutricion
Twitter: cs_nutricion
email: sofiagarciaesquivel@gmail.com

Adriana Villegas, Educadora en Diabetes, vive con diabetes tipo 1
tel: 55277 07922
email: dolceadri.ss@gmail.com

Derechos Humanos: Aprender a defendernos


Entrevista junto con la Federación Mexicana de Diabetes, A.C sobre diabetes y derechos con Paola Ortega y Jesús Cruzvillegas como invitados. ¡No dejes de verla!