2010 BiG Blue Test (diabetes): test, get active, test again, share


http://BigBlueTest.org is a program of the Diabetes Hands Foundation. People with diabetes are invited to test their blood sugar, do 14-20 minutes of activity, test again and share the results.

By Nov. 14, 2010, this video received over 100,000 views. The program sponsor, Roche Diabetes Care (makers of ACCU-CHEK® diabetes products and services) made a donation for every view received up to $75,000. Diabetes Hands Foundation used the donation to help the Life for a Child program, run by the International Diabetes Federation, and Insulin For Life. These two global, humanitarian organizations provide diabetes medication and supplies to children in the world’s poorest countries.

In order of appearance:
* Children from Diabetes Squared @ http://www.diabetessquared.com
* George Simmons (a.k.a. NinjaBetic) and son @ http://www.ninjabetic.com
* Manny Hernandez, Andreina Davila and Santiago Hernandez
* Zippora Karz, author of The Sugarless Plum @ http://zipporakarz.com and Samantha
* Sebastian
* Bill Carlson – www.tudiabetes.org/profile/BillCarlson

Closing photo:
Samantha at a camp in Ecuador, holding a vial of insulin donated and sent by Insulin For Life.

Photo credit:
AYUDA, Inc. a non-profit that helps children with diabetes and promotes youth as agents of change within diabetes communities: http://ayudainc.net

“Rich Doors” by New Villager

Caption translations:
* Portuguese: http://www.glicemiasonline.com.br
* German: http://www.worlddiabetesday.de
* French: Nathalie Lelorieux

** Big Blue Test Crew **
The video was directed, shot, edited, and motion designed by Sean Ross (http://ethosphane.com), an LA-based documentary and commercial filmmaker.
2nd Unit DP/Camera: Todd Carlstrom.

Category: Nonprofits & Activism
Uploaded by: Diabetes Hands Foundation
Hosted: youtube

Help us raise diabetes awareness


Donate to Diabetes Hands Foundation at http://www.donate2dhf.org

Diabetes Hands Foundation (DHF) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Donations to DHF are tax-deductible.

You can read the financials of DHF in our Guidestar page:

** Video transcription: **
Hello. This is Manny Hernandez, President of the Diabetes Hands Foundation, founder of TuDiabetes and someone who has had LADA (a form of type 1 diabetes) since 2002.

These are words that describe what the Diabetes Hands Foundation and what TuDiabetes mean to some of you. Words like community, people, help and support.

Today I come to ask you to help us translate this words into financial support for the Diabetes Hands Foundation.

If you can afford it, please make a tax-deductible donation to the Diabetes Hands Foundation. Our goal is to raise $10,000 by September 14. This money will be used to continue connecting people touched by diabetes through TuDiabetes and EsTudiabetes and developing diabetes awareness programs such as the Big Blue Test, this coming November 14 (World Diabetes Day).

Depending on the amount of your donation, you will be eligible for very special thank you gifts, including one of ten copies of the No-Sugar Added Poetry book autographed by Dr. Bill Polonsky (for those who donate more than $150). But any donation helps!

If you cannot afford it, please tell others about our campaign and help us fundraise. Click on the link next to this video for details on how you can raise funds to benefit the Diabetes Hands Foundation.

On behalf of the staff and volunteers at the Diabetes Hands Foundation and everyone that benefits from our programs around the world, thank you for your generous help and support!

Category: Nonprofits & Activism
Uploaded by: Diabetes Hands Foundation
Hosted: youtube

The Diabetes Dude Blue Flamingo Flocks Gov. Schwarzenegger


We brought the flamingo right outside his office, in the California State Capitol (Sacramento) this weekend.

Learn more about Noah’s project at: http://www.thediabetesdude.com

If you want to help Noah’s project (getting the diabetes blue flamingo on all 50 states), drop me a line at manny AT diabeteshf.org with your mailing address. I will be happy to mail you the flamingo.

Category: Nonprofits & Activism
Uploaded by: Diabetes Hands Foundation
Hosted: youtube

3 AM, 54 mg/dL: a low blood sugar poem



darkness. is it? wait, no. am i? am i?
am i awake? am i? am i gonna die?
dumb tongue, tongue dumb. must wake. must wake.
my hhhand, my hhhand is shhhake, is shhhake
ing. gaah, lift my life up, out of this bed
confused, yep, check. and check, my aching head.
get fed, get fed, don’t trip, don’t slip, don’t fall
bed, floor, table, door, open drawer, race into the hall.
she sees me and knows a maniac is on the loose,
in the kitchen, 3am, doublefisting orange juice.

Read July 24, 2010 during the first “No-Sugar Added Poetry” book party by the Diabetes Hands Foundation at Philz Coffee in Berkeley, CA.


Category: Nonprofits & Activism
Uploaded by: Diabetes Hands Foundation
Hosted: youtube

No-Sugar Added Poetry book party, Bay Area


http://bit.ly/getNSAP – July 24, 2010, we held the first book party to support the publishing of the “No-Sugar Added Poetry” diabetes poetry book published by the Diabetes Hands Foundation. It took place at Philz Coffee in Berkeley, CA.

The book includes poems and haiku by members of http://www.tudiabetes.org with a foreword by Bill Polonsky and an introduction by Lee Ann Thill. Get your copy at http://bit.ly/getNSAP

Music: Sigur Ros, “#8”

Category: Nonprofits & Activism
Uploaded by: Diabetes Hands Foundation
Hosted: youtube

TuAnalyze diabetes data application: 2 weeks out


TuAnalyze Community Map: http://www.TuAnalyze.org

To manage your TuAnalyze profile:
1) Go to http://www.TuDiabetes.org
2) Sign in, and
3) Select TuAnalyze in My Apps in the TuAnalyze option on the top navigation.

TuAnalyze has been developed through a partnership between the Diabetes Hands Foundation and Children’s Hospital Boston.

Category: Nonprofits & Activism
Uploaded by: Diabetes Hands Foundation
Hosted: youtube

TuDiabetes Awards 2009: Winners


* TuDiabetes Un-Certified Educator: “Her posts are a great combination of personal experience, openness to others’ point of view, and careful research into diabetes issues.”

The winner is MelissaBL:

* TuDiabetes Creative Mind: “Because he is the king of creative videos! I don’t think there is anyone who puts more time and energy into thinking up meaningful topics and addressing them in fun, interesting and informative videos and discussions.”

The winner is 1HappyDiabetic:

* TuDiabetes Geek: “He has the most insightful posts about the technology and science of diabetes and diabetes-related devices. I trust his judgment on these topics and look forward to his contributions.”

The winner is Holger:

* TuDiabetes Comedian: “His cheeky sense of humor, deep and abiding appreciation of 80s music, and willingness to share so others can learn keep me coming back for more of his wit and wisdom. His blogs are sometimes outrageous, always outstanding.”

The winner is Danny:

* TuDiabetes Life Coach: “We love her! Always helpful and right there to pick people up when they’re feeling down. And don’t forget the best hair on the internet!”

The winner is Robyn:

* TuDiabetes Good Eating Fan: “She is a very active and helpful member. She is always giving great advice on low carb eating. She should be your friend.”

The winner is Gerri:

* TuDiabetes Active Lifestyle Fan: “Two years in a row, running the Long Beach marathon; he’s also run two half-marathons. He exercises 30 minutes every day.”

The winner is Terry Keelan:

* TuDiabetes Crusader: “She is an active and inspiring advocate in Canada. She encourages others to advocate for their own personal health. And she encourages them to advocate to help ensure the various systems–diabetes organizations, government, insurance providers, and hospitals–meet the needs of people with diabetes. Plus, she is extremely cheery and nice.”

The winner is Nel Peach:

Category: Nonprofits & Activism
Uploaded by: Diabetes Hands Foundation
Hosted: youtube

Making Sense of Diabetes



An initiative of Diabetes Hands Foundation, a 501(c)3 nonprofit that connects people touched by diabetes and raises diabetes awareness:

This project was made possible with support from Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc:

In order of appearance:
* Fabiana Couto – Tu diabetes Touch
* William Woods – Diabetes & Sight
* Terry Keelan – Taste of Diabetes
* George Simmons, Scott K. Johnson – Lunch with George & Scott (and diabetes)
* Manny Hernandez – The smell of Insulin
* Terry Keelan – Diabetes Stinks
* Andrew Jones – Interpreting Diabetic Touch
* Lorraine – Taste and Diabetes
* William Woods – Diabetes & Hearing
* Stacey Nagel – Hearing
* Dennis C. Adair – Touch-Feeling
* Patricia Harmon – The Story of Princess Want-To-Be

Coralie Clément, C’est la Vie (Toystore):

Royksopp, It’s What I Want (Junior):

Produced by Manny Hernandez, Andreina Davila, Sean Ross.

Edited by Sean Ross.

Category: Nonprofits & Activism
Uploaded by: Diabetes Hands Foundation
Hosted: youtube

Diabetes Community Celebrates 10,000 members of TuDiabetes


http://tudiabetes.com would like to thank:
Dr. Bill Polonksy, Behavioral Diabetes Institute; Amy Tenderich, DiabetesMine.com; David and Elizabeth Edelman, DiabetesDaily.com; Kelly Rawlings, Diabetic Living magazine; Jeff Hitchcock, ChildrenWithDiabetes.com; Joy Pape, The Real-Life Guide to Diabetes; Sheri Colberg-Ochs, Diabetes? No Problema!; Phil Riley, International Diabetes Federation; and Max Szadek, Divabetic.org.

Category: Nonprofits & Activism
Uploaded by: Diabetes Hands Foundation
Hosted: youtube

Diabetes Vloggers Congratulate TuDiabetes on reaching 10,000 members


http://tudiabetes.com would like to thank:
Kerri Morrone, SixUntilMe.com; Mike Lawson, WhatSomeWouldCallLies.com; Cherise, DiabeticIzMe.com; Bill, 1HappyDiabetic.com; Scott, DiabetesDaily.com; Neil Greathouse, "The Betes" videos; Chris Bishop, LivingWithDiabetes.com; and George Simmons, The B.A.D. Blog.

Music: Masseratti 2lts, http://www.2litros.com

Category: Nonprofits & Activism
Uploaded by: Diabetes Hands Foundation
Hosted: youtube